Into Game Of Thrones? You’ll LOVE ‘A Court Of . . .’

by Renee Greenland
A Court Of Book Series


Okay, I can’t NOT tell you about the latest book series I’ve read. It was SO GOOD! It’s by Sarah J Maas and it’s the ‘A Court of . . .’ series that’s got me all hot under the collar LOL.

There’s 5 books in this book fantasy series and they go in this order:

And I hope like crazy there’s a book six, seven, eight, nine . . . seriously, it’s THAT GOOD!

If you’re into Game Of Thrones, like a little soft porn with magic, kingdoms and faeries, this book series is for you.

I read all five books in a matter of weeks (one I struggled to find and had to wait till I went to the Big Smoke to buy it and it was TORTURE having to wait). I read these books till midnight, while I was cooking dinner, all afternoon . . .

You know a book/series is THAT GOOD when you literally cannot put it down and regret staying up till the early hours of the morning reading ‘just one more chapter’.

So what can I tell you about this AMAZEBALLS book series?

It’s about love, passion, soul mates, faeries, fantasy lands, war, strategy, resilience, survival of the fittest or strongest or most ruthless.

So much happens from book to book and the series links really well together. And Maas’s writing is so descriptive that you feel like you’re there in amongst the struggle, the battles, experiencing the different lands and their unique beauty.

And of course, there’s the sex! I won’t be able to do it justice so here’s a wee R16 snippet:

His fingers plunged in and out, slow and hard, and my very existence narrowed to the feel of them, to the tightness in me ratcheting up with every deep stroke, every echoing thrust of his tongue in my mouth.

SO HOT and the sex scenes get better throughout the series FYI 😉

I’ve now moved onto one of her other book series HOPING it’s as good as this one.

Secretly, though not now that I’ve told you, I wish I could write like Sarah J Maas. To have her detailed and descriptive imagination, would be AH-MAZING.

Word of warning: These books are POPULAR! I had to hunt for some of these books, so if you’re interested in this series, grab the box set. You won’t regret it!

You can buy the box set (of the first four books) here from my fav online bookshop and it gets shipped to your door, so you don’t have to drive all over town like I did.

If you read this A Court of series, let me know what you think of it. I’d love to hear from you!

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