Mumma’s . . . It’s Our Time!

by Renee Greenland

We Are The Changemakers!

Let’s raise the next generation to be confident and fulfilled. To live a life of their dreams and to make an impact on the world.

But WE need to do the work first. We need to show our kids how it’s done.

We have to release our old ways … the ways of our parents. They did a GREAT job in raising us but it’s now time to do things our way.

We need to learn to listen. To listen to our souls, our intuition. To use our inner guidance system!

To stop listening to what everyone else is doing.

To stop listening to society and the media. Especially social media.

It’s time for us to live our lives OUR WAY. To enjoy our lives.

No more hustle and grind. No more suffering. No more ‘hard work’.

Everyone can live a life by design. It’s your choice. Your entitlement. The only block or resistance to living that life, comes from you.

You are allowed to dream or to want more. Or want less.

Let’s learn to fill our lives with the things we love. Let’s show our kids how to do the same.

We don’t need technology and ‘things’ to live a happy life. These things really only fill space!

Let’s learn to spend moments of our days doing things that make us feel good.

Start with one thing. The ONE THING you have access to right now. And don’t overthink it. Just pick ONE THING.

Colour in. Read. Paint your nails. Sit in quiet with a cuppa.

Just do ONE THING today then make it a daily habit from this day forward.

When your kids start seeing you ‘stopping’ and enjoying something simple, they’ll start wanting the same.

The push. The constant moving. It’s not good for us long term.

STRESS. The constant fight or flight mode is slowly killing us.

We don’t need to be constantly doing. Our to-do list, and crossing those items off, is not a reflection of our productivity, value to this world or our self-worth.

So STOP! Today. Just stop for 10 minutes and do ONE THING that makes you feel good.

Now is the time for us to start slowing the f#ck down and enjoying the moments. Let’s start with just MOMENTS OF JOY.

Cos otherwise . . . what the hell is all this for?!

PS. If you need help figuring out what your ONE THING could be, download my What Do I Love To Do printable. You can get your copy here!

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